Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Deadly" Sins versus Golden Virtues

The seven "deadly" sins and their respective inverse virtues are as follows:

Pride - Humility
Greed - Altruism
Lust - Continence
Anger - Patience
Gluttony - Temperance
Envy - Kindness
Sloth - Fortitude

Note that none of the "deadly" sins are very deadly at all. Deadly would be murder, rape, and slavery, or, any act which removes freedom. The "deadly" sins are merely common fear aspects of human personality. We are all the seven deadly sins and seven golden virtues. And we always will be.

Accepting this is important. Denying this fact is to deny yourself and your own existence. Notice, though, that this is nothing to fret about. All of the seven "deadly" sins that make up the "darkest" side of our personality can be drivers for delevopement. Pride, greed, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth all serve their purpose in each of our lives. Without them, humility, altruism, continence, patience, temperance, kindness, or fortitude do not even exist.

Because Love needs Fear.

That's just the way it is... so forgive it. Accept it. Learn from it.

And let it be.

Let's move on. No reason to kill each other over it.

Or even worse, force our "enlightened" perspectives onto underdeveloped personalities.

To force others to do the right thing is to do the wrong thing.

They'll find their way, eventually.

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