Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Knowledge of Good and Evil

Let's keep metaphysical (religious) discussion to a minimum and focus purely on our own humanity, the world, and universe we are a part of.

In this world, we have a story that many of us know, about the creation of the planet. In this story, humans were in Eden. Then, they were cast out of Eden for eating from a forbidden tree.

So why was the tree forbidden?

The kneejerk reply is to say that the reason for it being forbidden is because it is the tree that "God" told us not to eat from. But we were tricked into eating from it anyways, and that is why we were punished.

Alright. So why was the friggin' tree forbidden?

That didn't answer my question. I asked why God forbade the tree. I am questioning God's intent in restricting us from eating from that tree.

Well low and behold, the answer lies in the story. It isn't just a tree.

It's a tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating from this tree is to pass judgment on someone and decide that YOU can control them because YOU know what is Good and what is Evil.

It's to become a king. It is to censor. It is to control. And it is to enslave.

Yes, we are modern day slaves. Each and every one of us.

Some suffer more than others, that is a fact, but we all suffer.

Religious stories aside, I am ready to see a new world Eden, built by our technology. All we need to do is create a system that promotes freedom rather than control.

And then the system can take care of our basic needs, and we can all live with peace and love.

This way, humanity shall evolve, transcend, and build its own Eden.

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