Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not-So-Original Thought

Theory of E
Existence = (Love / Fear) x circumstance
ɸ = (L / F) x c
[Existence / circumstance = experience = Love / Fear]
[ɸ / c = e = L / F]
Love = experience x Fear
 L = e x F
 Fear = Love / experience
 F = L / e
L | Love
ɸ | Existence
F | Fear
c | circumstance

e | experience

Explanation and Interpretation*
Your Existence is the quotient of two real choices, Love and Fear, applied against circumstance, or “chance”. Everything else is a concept, illusion, or derivation.
Love and Fear come in many forms and each form has its corresponding counter-form.
Based on the above equations, the following holds true and is self-evident:
Existence is Love affected by Fear, and circumstance.
Love is experience and Fear.
Fear is Love affected by experience.
Notice, Fear is arbitrary. It slows down Existence by deteriorating circumstance while Love works inversely. Love improves Existence by enhancing circumstance.
While Fear is a derivation of Love, Love is also affected by Fear. Greater Love equates to greater Fear. Thus, Fear is Love; however, Love is NOT Fear.
Therefore, Existence is not divided between two real choices, only one; Love.
Love is the only real choice and Fear comes through it. Love creates Fear and Fear creates
Forgive Fear and live with Love and Existence will improve.
Forgive Fear.
For Fear is derived from Love. You are the only person who can change yourself.
Remember: Love over Fear; Always.
~ I.M. E
*[Thoughts within are derived from the theory which was derived from the thoughts within]

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