Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Technological Transcendence

Humans are not capable of evolving on their own. The way that we have chosen to live our lives is one that does not allow for homo sapien sapien to evolve any further. We have tempered the planet around us and breed among each other and will always remain homo sapien sapien.

Thus, we have curbed evolution...

Except not quite. Our technology is the precursor for transcending the entire planet to a new, evolved form. Through our fear, anger, suffering, and pain, we have created something absolutely wonderful.

It's a physical manifestation of the collected consciousness.
You know it more familiarly as the Internet.
Oh glorious Internet, capable of teaching and solving anything!
Could it really be a key to world peace and Eden?

To put it simply, Yes.

As early as twenty years ago, if one individual, x, was passionate about an incorrect idea or concept and had three friends, the fifth individual, y, who knows the first individual is incorrect would meet with a struggle to convince the other four that they are, indeed, wrong. Worse than that, if x has power and y has none, x may even manage to force y to accept that x is correct and x is all-knowing. But x was inherently wrong.

Twenty years ago, y could not break out his smartphone, google the answer, confirm his own logic, and then laugh at the ignorance of the other four.

The above example illustrates how we were a lot more ignorant twenty years ago due to how easily ignorance could spread. We didn't have the almighty Internet. We had to rely on "experts" and "authority" to tell us the right way.

Now we have ourselves and each other to tell us the right way.

As we always did...

"Spiritual" individuals always knew this due to their ability to naturally tap into our collected consciousness.

Not everyone was blessed with this ability.

But everyone is able to use Google...

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