Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Theory of Relativity Contrasted With Theory of E

Let's compare equations:

Theory of Relativity:           
E = m x c2                                                
E = Energy
M = Mass
C2 = (Space)(Time)

Theory of E:
L = F x e
L = Love
F = Fear
e = Experience = Existence/Circumstance

Energy = Love
Mass = Fear
Space x Time = Simplified Experience

The difference between the two, other than their respective schools of thought, is that c squared, or spacetime, is a simplified version of experience. Experience reflects a vital aspect of life that science has an inherently difficult time explaining; consciousness.

A constant squared is not complex enough to encompass consciousness. It works if we are looking to measure and analyze a specific point in time, but applied to a moving and living system, its accuracy becomes flawed.

Life is not a circle, or a parabola.

Life is a spiral. We swing with the ups, and the downs.

The center of the spiral is gold.

It is Eden.

We are close.

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