Friday, October 15, 2010

Everything Below (and Above) is My Imagination

Everything I've discussed stems from the theory of E which is a product of my imagination.

Let me explain...

I spent my childhood playing video games religiously beginning at the age of 2. At some point, while wonderfully absorbed in other people's imaginations, I realized something I thought to be a terrible tragedy.

I do not have an imagination!

Though I was able to thoroughly enjoy other people's imaginations and creations (and still am)... I was unable to imagine or create anything for myself.

Until I imagined and created the theory.

So basically, if the theory or any other article here makes any sense to you, then perhaps you should be frightened. After all, I imagined all of that, so you must be a part of my imagination.
Only, you're not, I probably have never even met you before.

And I do not have an imagination!

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